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Once a seeker, always a seeker


I've always struggled to describe myself. 'About Me's have always freaked me out. I figured I was just too shy to feel comfortable talking about myself. But as life threw me into some soul searching, I began to realize that it was simply because I did not truly know who I was. I hadn't lived enough of my life to be able to find my own label -- to truly define who I am. 


So who am I thus far? 


I am a little mixed breed of El Salvadorian and European. I grew up on the tiniest Hawaiian island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. To confuse my identity even further, I moved to New York City at 17 y/o. Cue the hard-knocks growth! After 5 years of learning and growing - the rough and tumble yet low-key fabulous way - I moved to Los Angeles and found what I can only really describe as magic. Or the secret to living a graceful life. I learned from a community of incredible, conscious women that it is more than possible - our divine birthright in fact - to make our dreams a reality. And the "how" is simple: let your actions be guided by your Soul's intentions and vision. 




Fast forward 2 years and I am writing this from a dreamy lil' cafe in Bali - my current home - a certified yoga teacher and holistic wellness adviser. I am creating the life that I have always desired to live. I am acting in harmony with my body, my community, and with my environment, and it is my goal to be able to support others to do the same!


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